Where adventures come true
Gift you Gear



Started in 2012 by Rohan co-founder Sarah Howcroft, the Gift Your Gear scheme has been very much part of the fabric of our brand since its inception. Through our scheme, we’re able to collect reusable, pre-loved outdoor clothing –from any brand, not just Rohan – and distribute them to inspiring causes.


Gift Your Gear donations have been received by over 700 projects across the country. The scheme has allowed people to enjoy the outdoors as a result of the generosity of Rohan customers who have donated to the Gift your Gear Scheme throughout the years.


Today we take time to catch up with one of these organisations, the Lancashire Wildlife Trust to understand the difference the Gift your Gear scheme has made to them since joining in 2020.


The Lancashire Wildlife Trust is an organisation that relies on volunteers to make a positive difference to the local environment and helps people to re-connect with nature through their green wellbeing project, Myplace.



Without the volunteers, the Wildlife trust wouldn’t be able to deliver their valuable work. With the impact of the Pandemic, this work has been even more critical, offering a lifeline for those that would otherwise be isolated or not have access to the outdoors, given our weather which is often cold and wet.


The Gift your Gear Scheme has allowed the volunteers to attend the outdoor sessions as a result of having a suitable kit, and is echoed by Jenny Reddell the Senior Myplace Project Officer as being ‘an absolute god send’. Jenny explains that a lot of their volunteers travel by public transport or walk to the sessions so having the right kit ensures that volunteers are not put off by the weather and therefore attend. She has seen the difference the kit has made to the overall wellbeing and motivation of the volunteers and it underpins the Gift your Gear Scheme’s ethos, of providing kit to as many people as possible to discover the great outdoors.


The Wildlife Trust want to make sure they use each volunteers’ skills in the right way and get the most out of their volunteering experience. Whatever the motivations – being able to meet new people, share their expertise or help protect the future of wildlife – the Trust works hard to ensure that they are constantly developing the experience for their volunteers.



We hope this has inspired you, so when it’s time for something new, don’t leave your unwanted clothing to gather dust in the attic or at the back of your wardrobe. Instead, let someone else benefit from it with our Gift Your Gear initiative, as you can clearly see your clothing really does make a difference.


If you would like to find out more - The Lancashire Wildlife Trust & Myplace.


Watch this space for how you can get involved in the Gift your Gear scheme.